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str. Donitei 15, sector 6 / 77528 Bucharest / Romania
Tel/fax: 011 401 413-1658 /

Rescuing Children in Romania and bringing them to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ

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Emergency Notice

There is an emergency for many orphanages. We nonprofit organizations are a lifeline for many children. We are hoping to help thousands this winter.

I just visited the director of a state orphanage a few weeks ago. She had not received money to pay her staff for three months. Then she told me she had not received money to buy food for the 250 children that month. She said the staff who lived in the country were bringing food from their gardens to sustain the orphan children. Then she said, "But winter is coming and the gardens will be no more. Then I will have to choose which children I feed." She went on to say, "We have some children with aids others that are weak. We will just have to keep the food for the healthy children."

Here in Romania, we have a crisis about to break with our orphanages. I was invited to a meeting last week with some government officials and the USAid people. The government decided to have the local government, that is city level, take care of the orphanages in their areas. Many of these cities are financially not able to handle providing for the finances for the orphanages. I have already heard in some cases where staff have not been paid for 5 months nor has money been given to buy food for three months.

We only have 2 months before winter comes. I will be returning to the States in October to help with the shipment of the 40 foot container. We will be sending food, children's shoes, jogging outfits for kids, underwear and socks. Then we will send shoe boxes as Christmas gift boxes for the children. A person can send some candy, crayons and book, a small toy, some glue and paper, toothpaste and toothbrush. (Other small things could also be added.)

Maybe there will be those that would like to send a box to bless some children this Christmas.

Boxes can be sent to this address before November 5 in order to arrive here before Christmas.

Send to:

Larry and Sue Hartman
Haven of Rest Farm
123 Kaufman Rd.
E. Chambersburg, Pa. 17201

Right now we are working on building a big garage which will be used as a storage area for the food coming in so that we can sort and send to the needy areas. Yesterday the backhoe was here and removed the soil for the basement for the big ground cellar. We have lots of potatoes and other vegetables from our garden. As soon as this part is finished, the metal frame will be going up for the garage.

We hope to get it finished before winter. I still don't have all the funds but we are just trusting God. We are doing what we can with the funds we have on hand.

Becky for Casa Shalom

Our Stateside Mission Address
For Financial Support

Christian Faith Ministries
P. O. Box 50538
Denton, TX 76206

One-hundred percent of your donation is sent to Romania.
All contributors receive a tax-deductible receipt.
Please designate gifts for Becky & Iosif Dan-Walsh.

For Correspondence

Casa Shalom
str. Donitei 15, sector 6
77528 Bucharest

Tel/fax 011 401 413-1658
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