BIBLE BASICS For Smart People Who Do Not Want To Be Dummies About God and the Bible Lesson 3 - What About Jesus? (Cont'd.) 1. Who Is Jesus? (Cont'd.) 17. Jesus had given the apostles instructions to go to Jerusalem and wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit which He had promised to send when He went back to His Heavenly Father. 18. The apostles and others, totalling 120 people obeyed, went to Jerusalem to a large upper room, continued in prayer, and after 10 days Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to give them all power to preach and be his witnesses to the world. This was the beginning of the church. The good news of Jesus dying to save us from our sins spread from Jerusalem to all the world and we are or can be saved today because of that. 19. We know that we are living in the last days and that Jesus will soon come back because of the fulfilIment of many signs that Jesus said would take place just before He comes back. 20. This is the time when the Gospel is being preached in all the world and people have an opportunity to be saved if they will be sorry for their sins, turn away from them, and surrender their fives to God through the power of the Holy Spirit. The blood that Jesus shed on the cross has power to cleanse and take away everybody's sins. Everybody will not, however, come to Jesus so that He might save them. Will you? 21. When Jesus comes back, he will raise all the dead that are saved and have truly turned from sin and served the Lord. The rest of the dead will be raised 1000 years later. All people, both living and dead, will stand before Jesus, who will then be the Judge of all and will be judged according to what they have done and how they have lived. 22. Jesus has a wonderful future for ever and ever for all who have turned from sin and served Him.. The rest of the people will go away into everlasting punishment. What will you do about Jesus? Will you accept Him as your Savior and the Master of your life or will you do like so many are doing - reject Him and live as they please? It pays a million times over to live for Jesus now. Jesus saves from sin. Jesus fills saved people with the Holy Spirit. He gives them power to be His witnesses so other people will be saved. Jesus heals sick bodies. Jesus is coming back again soon. Jesus is my Saviour and Lord. Is He truly yours? "Please tell me more." Copyright © 2018 Swiss Valley Web Design --- The Missing Link, Inc. P. O. Box 40031 Cleveland, Ohio 44140 USA Tel. 440-201-6046 Bible Basics Index/ God/ Bible/ Jesus/ Holy Spirit/ Creation/ Sin/ Forgiveness Prayer/ Angels/ Death/ Resurrection/ Judgment/ Second Coming/ The Church Worship/ Jesus' Birth/ Commandments/ Jesus' Life/ Bible Instructions/ Crucifixion Resurrection (2)/ Eternal Security/ Holiness/ Salvation Seminar/ Webmaster