A mother's letter to her son

Dear Paul,

When you were just a baby, we had a very special baby dedication service at church where we committed you to God. I'm convinced He has an awesome plan for your life. You are so special to Him!

Whenever you empty the clean dishwasher and fill it up again with the dirty dishes on the counter, it feels like you have given me a great big hug and kiss. Thank you for being so kind and helpful.

You are such a good helper. When you grow up and marry someday, you´re going to be such a help to your wife and family.

I can't help but notice how you always seem to be the first one at the table who gets up when somebody needs something. It's like you have a high-tech, built-in antenna that automatically senses everyone else's needs.

Seeing the way God has wired you, convinces me that He's wired you that way for a special purpose. You have such a beautiful servant's heart. One day you are going to make an awesome servant of God to all those who surround you.

Your name comes from the Roman family name Paulus, which meant “small” or “humble” in Latin. Saint Paul was an important leader of the early Christian church. His story is told in Acts in the New Testament.

Paul was originally named Saul but changed his name to Paul after becoming a Christian. Most of the books in the New Testament were written by him.

Before you were born, God knew you would live up to the name we would give you. Although you are anything but small in physical size, I can see how you are indeed small in the way you look at yourself.

Paul, God has blessed you with a humble spirit so you would look at other people's needs as being greater than your own. This special characteristic is what will make you a spiritual giant in God's eyes.

You see, Paul, God can only bless us with the riches of heaven to the extent that we see our need of Him. That's what Jesus meant when He said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).

The person who is all wrapped up in himself makes a pretty small package. He doesn't feel his need for God, nor sense other people's needs.

You have been blessed to see not only your own need for God, but also the great needs of others.

This is called compassion, Paul. Never lose it. It is engine that kept Jesus moving, healing the sick, lifting the fallen, driving away the enemy, sacrificing Himself for others.

I can clearly see God has given you such a sensitive heart, Paul. I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up helping a great many people when you grow older.

Always put Jesus first in your life, Paul, and you will never be disappointed. He is all that you ever need and He will supply all that you ever need.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

Fully commit yourself to God. Read His Word and talk with Him every day so you never lose touch with God. The most important thing you will ever need is God's touch on your life.

Stay tender and sensitive to the Holy Spirit like you are now. Stay pure in heart and life; that is true holiness.

I love you, Paul! You are very special to me. I'm proud of you and I'm so glad to be your mom!

All my love and prayers,

July 26, 2003

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