Missing Link Volunteers NeededType of Help You Can OfferA. Behind the Scenes Ministry Opportunities "I WOULD BE WILLING TO..."1. Become one of your faithful PRAYER PARTNERS, daily lifting ministry needs before the Throne of God. 2. Maintain a MAILING LIST for the purpose of distributing The Missing Link ministry prayer needs to all their online prayer partners. 3. Collect good new and/or used softcover BIBLES (King James Version). 4. Anonymously answer inmate letters via my e-mail account. 5. Offer my services as an online Christian counselor. Please state your counseling background. Explain what types of people you counsel or what problems you deal with. (We are looking for sound Biblical counselors ONLY.) 6. CALL Christian residential programs from our list at http://misslink.org/programs.html and collect information, using our Program Information Collection Form at http://misslink.org/info2.html. You may choose from within your county, state, or region. 7. SEARCH for additional Christian residential programs online and/or offline. 8. Serve in the area of PUBLIC RELATIONS in my church, county state, or region. Yes, please tell me more about this! ____ 9. Secure a speaking ENGAGEMENT for Chaplain Mario. 10. Check out the APPEARANCE of our web site with your web browser, checking for layout problems only, such as missing pictures, text going off the screen, etc. (Does NOT include proofreading or checking for faulty links.) ___ If your answer was "yes" to item 10, then please answer this question: Which BROWSER do you use to see the Web? 1) Netscape ___ Which version? ____ 2) Microsoft Internet Explorer ___ Which version? _____ 3) Other browser called: ______________________ Which version? _____
11. Help with checking for FAULTY LINKS. 12. EVALUATE web sites others recommend as links and give an evaluation report on what I find, as I see it. 13. PROOFREAD web pages and send corrections that need to be made. 14. Offer the use of my LANGUAGE translation software, translation skills, or HTML skills. 15. HOST and maintain Missing Link FORMS. (Forms do not work on our free web site.) 16. Anonymously ANSWER questions submitted to Ask a Minister at http://misslink.org/chapel/askaminister/askmin.html (ministers only). Please state your ministerial training and credentials. 17. Offer financial support. 18. Underwrite the expenses for computer software and/or hardware upgrade. 19. Organize a fund-raiser. 20. Provide a roll of 100 postage STAMPS. 21. Search for old web postings with our previous e-mail address (aa3141@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu) and/or web address (http://www.human.com/inc/gallery/states/oh/oh.html and http://www.goshen.net/misslink), contact webmaster to please update to new web address (http://misslink.org). 22. Ask other webmasters to provide links to our web site.Webmaster for David Wilkerson's Times Square Church Pulpit Series Linking Troubled Youth and Adults with Life-Changing Programs Web site - http://misslink.org Chapel Site - http://misslink.org/chapel2.html Copyright © 2007 - The Missing Link, Inc. ® Last updated March 2007 Webmaster Please take the time to tell us when something is not working right (even if you're not sure) or we may never know! Chapel Site: misslink.org/chapel2.html Home of David Wilkerson's Times Square Church Pulpit Series Multilingual Web Site www.tscpulpitseries.org Site Index/ About Us/ Feedback/ Hot Links/ Newsletter/ Pictures/ Practical Help/ Promotions/ Home